Venture Capital

At Simplicity, we see hundreds of deals a month from our work with VCs, projects, and activity in the space. We began investing company profits into the best deals and have democratised this opportunity allowing others to invest alongside us. This allows us to invest into bigger projects with bigger tickets. Our experience as a boutique consultancy allows us to leverage our expertise and network to bring value to projects, helping them scale.

Our Value Add

Our experience as a boutique consultancy gives us a unique understanding into what it takes to succeed. This allows us to help projects with tokenomics, product, GTM, intros, and  reaching scale.

Our Thesis

Our personal thesis as a company is investing into truly disruptive companies that solve real problems in markets with sufficient volume. We focus on four pillars: team, product, traction and GTM.

Syndicate Process

We bring forward a project with an accompanying DD report.


Members are able to invest via our Presail portal or Google forms.


We complete the investment on behalf of our community.


We share updates to our community about our investments.


Project launches and tokens are distributed via Presail.


Our Portofolio